Ambassadors of H.O.P.E. Foundation

Repower Survivors

At Ambassadors of H.O.P.E. Foundation, wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our mission is to inform, reform and transform the mindset of survivors of violence. Our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that helps survivors reach their goals and fulfill their potential. Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change.

  • What is domestic violence?

  • Who is affected by domestic violence?

  • How can I escape from a domestic violence situation?

  • What are the physical and mental effects of abuse?

  • Do you know how to help a victim of violence?


"To know better, is to do better"

-Maya Angelou

Ambassadors of H.O.P.E. Foundation will provide coaching in life skills, home economics job readiness and entrepreneurship. Teaching survivors how to set goal, compile a written road map to accomplish what they set out to do.


Trained, certified, and licensed advocates will assist and guide survivors to complete positive changes with the mind, body, and spirit and become who they want to become free from violence and abuse.